5 Things Your Roofing Contractor Should Tell You Post-Inspection

Roofing Inspection

A good roofing contractor will tell homeowners more than roof repair costs after an inspection. Whether you’re hiring a roof inspector before making an offer on a property or you’re just Roofing Inspectionchecking off your bi-annual roof inspection, knowing what to expect from your contractor is important. However, not all roofing contractors are created equally and there is no industry-wide “checklist” that all contractors abide by. How can you know you’re getting a comprehensive inspection?

Start by researching contractors and companies, and if possible choosing a local provider. Local contractors are happy to earn the business of their neighbors and are familiar with local laws and challenges (such as those brutal Utah winters). Ask your contractor about any certifications, licenses and continuing education. Check online reviews, ask for testimonials and ask for before and after photos if applicable.

No matter who your contractor is, you should expect to get this information after an inspection:

1. A verbal and written report of your roof’s health

Not only should homeowners expect an immediate verbal report and a written report in a timely manner, there should also be explanations freely given in laymen’s terms. Roofing can be complex and brimming with industry jargon. Sometimes, homeowners may not even know the age of their roof or the materials used. Any immediate issues should be addressed, such as missing shingles or moss growth.

2. A quote to fix any issues

Should your contractor find an issue, he or she should provide you with a written quote within one business week. You may not get a quote on the spot, since the contractor may need to provide details to the company first. However, a timely bid quote should be expected.

3. Photos of any damage

Damage isn’t always viewable by the naked eye, but when it is you should be able to see photos. Otherwise, homeowners are operating blindly and may feel forced into trusting their contractor. Plus, you deserve to see exactly what that mold infestation looks like or how serious the damage was from a lightning strike.

4. How many years your roof has left

There is no way any contractor can give you a specific timeline, and extenuating circumstances such as future natural disasters cannot be planned for. However, a contractor should be able to provide homeowners with a ballpark figure.

5. A plan of action

Your contractor is on your side and should provide a verbal and written plan of action to keep your roof in shape. This will also help you plan ahead and avoid surprises.

Homeowners maintain a long relationship with their roofing contractor, so take your time when researching potential companies and contractors. You deserve someone who has your best interests at heart, but who also has the tools and experience to keep your roof healthy. Call The Roof Doctor today if you are considering a new roof or need a roof repair.

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