Creating a Roof Maintenance Plan  

Roof Maintenance Plan

With proper roof maintenance, it’s possible to prevent problems before they turn into serious threats. It starts with creating a thoughtful roof maintenance plan for your home.

Roof Maintenance Plan

Why Do You Need One?

A roof maintenance plan can save you money, time and frustration over the lifespan of your roof. Paying for minor repairs now is better than waiting and having to foot a larger bill later. Avoiding big problems means you’ll pay less for insurance, too.

Assess the Current Condition

To start building a comprehensive roof maintenance plan, first, obtain a baseline assessment of its condition. An inspection will tell you if there are any current problems you need to resolve. Going forward, the beginning state of your roofing can offer a benchmark – a way to tell if you need repairs or not.

Consider Your Roof’s Age

Every roof maintenance plan is different because no two homes are alike. The type of service and the frequency of maintenance it needs depends on where your home is located in terms of climate, what specific material your roof is made from and most importantly, its age.

For older roofs, problems that come up may be dealt with differently than with a newer roof. While it may pay off to make the repairs a newer roof needs, it might not be worth it to make this investment in an older roof.

Start with Cleanliness

The first step to taking care of your roof is keeping it clean. By clean, we mean free of debris like sticks, leaves and branches. This also means keeping your gutters clear and removing dangerously heavy loads of snow. Roof debris and clogged gutters can spell roof rot, while too much snow can lead to roof collapse.

Check your roof about once a month and look for signs it needs attention.

Inspect Your Attic

Check your attic regularly for mold growth. It’s vital that your attic has the proper insulation and ventilation to facilitate proper air flow. If there’s a problem, call us to solve it!

Trust Our Team

We can inspect and recommend roof maintenance at any time of the year because we’re the Roof Doctor. We know what Utah roofs need throughout the cold winter and dry summer. Call us today to set up your appointment!

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