A slate roof is truly beautiful and adds more value to your property than a traditional asphalt roof. It lasts longer too. When you’re thinking of slate tiles for your roof installation, think of The Roof Doctor.

You can buy true love! TruSlate by GAF is the first truly affordable slate roofing that’s 100 percent genuine. However, slate isn’t just a striking beauty to be the crowning jewel of your property. It’s also exceptionally durable, providing your home or business with long-lasting, gorgeous protection. Slate has been the go-to roofing choice around the world for hundreds of years. With some slate roofs lasting for centuries, no matter what storms rolled in, it’s no surprise that it’s maintained its stance as the popular kid.
That’s why The Roof Doctor often recommends TruSlate for clients. It’s affordable, attractive and designed to last several lifetimes.
Other roofs have lifespans of about 20 years. Since roofs are one of the most expensive aspects of a home to replace, you only want to do it once. It’s kind of like marriage. You really want it to stick the first time—after all, it’s a big investment! Luckily, with TruSlate, you know you’ve found “the one” from the start. It’s love at first sight, but until TruSlate came along slate was often out of the financial reach for many property owners. TruSlate makes genuine slate feasible and budget-friendly for everyone.
What’s so great about slate? Besides the fact it is much more aesthetically pleasing than traditional asphalt roofs, it also has some distinct advantages. One is that it is fireproof. And with all the wildfires these days, having a slate roof can give you peace of mind. Also, slate is resistant to insect infestation, and it doesn’t rot. That’s why a slate roof can last 200 years. A slate roof is a quality roof, and that’s why we include slate roof installation in our professional roofing services in Salt Lake City.
The Slate Roof Installation Details

TruSlate features S1-grade hand-split quarried slate that’s real. This isn’t a synthetic wannabe, a fake or some kind of mashup that only has one percent “real slate” in it. There are slate imitations that are affordable, but they won’t perform or look as good as genuine slate.
TruSlate is ideal for remodels or brand new construction. In these instances, property owners can save big on the bottom line. It also adds immense value to any property, sometimes even helping property owners sell homes and business spaces at a faster pace.
An Affordable Luxury in Utah
Dubbed “an affordable luxury,” you may be wondering what the catch is. This isn’t wizardry, it’s simply making the most of one of the best materials around.
Traditional slate roof installation methods really only used half of each slate piece. Every piece was half tucked beneath the one beside it. That resulted in wasted slate and needlessly heavy roofs. TruSlate is combined with a specialized waterproofing material so that every square inch is used for roofing. Plus, it can be installed on virtually any roof, so it’s not just the lucky few who find their true love with TruSlate.
If a new roof or new construction is in your future, consider TruSlate first. The Roof Doctors are experts at installing this unique design, guaranteeing you’ll be enjoying your jaw dropping roof quicker than you imagined.
Slate Roof Repairs
While slate roofs can be much more durable than other more common types of roofs, they sometimes require roof repair — or even emergency roof repair. Slate is extremely hard, and damage usually comes in the form of a tree or tree limb falling on the roof and cracking the tiles. Somewhat ironically, the act of repairing a slate roof can also cause damage if the roof repair contractor is not trained in slate roof repair. That’s because the weight of someone walking on the roof can crack the tiles. Our residential roof repair company uses special ladders and tools to repair slate roofs on Salt Lake City homes without cracking the tiles.