What Can I Do If I Can’t Afford a New Roof?

What Can I Do If I Can’t Afford a New Roof

An existing aging roof or damage from a major storm may result in a costly investment, and many homeowners don’t have the money to replace a new roof. If you’re in this predicament, you may wonder what you can do. Keep reading to learn your options in affording roof repair and protect your home.

Options to Consider

According to Homeadvisor.com, homeowners spend an average of $877 to repair a roof, with small repair costs anywhere from $150 to $400, but major repairs can run between $350 and $1,420. Here are some options for you to consider if you’re low on money and need a roof repair.

Finance Repair Costs

If you can’t afford repairs on your roof, there are several financing options available to help you. Putting the cost on a credit card (even if it’s temporary) ensures you get the repairs you need and time to pay off the charges. A personal loan is another option you can consider as well that allows you to pay monthly payments.

Apply for a Grant

Many home improvement and renovation grants are available from local, state, and federal governments. One standard grant for a roof repair and replacement includes the Weatherization Assistance Program. There is also the Section 504 Home Repair program for financial assistance. Consider the Very Low-Income Housing Repair program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These assistance programs enable homeowners to improve, repair, or upgrade your home. Interest rates for these grants or loans are typically low.

These programs apply to:

  • Disabled people
  • Elderly people
  • Low or moderate-income homeowners

Reach out to Your Network

There are some things you can DIY, but roof work can be a dangerous task. If done improperly, it can result in further damage. Check out social media and see if there are people that can help with small repairs. For major roof repair or replacement, it’s best to contact a licensed roofing contractor.

Refinance Your Home

A home improvement loan that includes refinancing your home involves the FHA 203K Refinance Loan and is a good option. This loan is designed explicitly for needed repairs. Before financing, contact a financial expert to get advice about refinancing since this is a big decision that can impact you in the future. Whatever loan you choose, ensure you get a reasonable interest rate and agreeable loan terms.

Save the Money

If you can wait for some months before repairing your roof, that can give you time to save the funds. Go through your budget and see how you can cut costs. Spending less on entertainment and food can rack up the savings quicker than you realize.

The Roof Doctor is an Affordable Option

Roof repair and replacement can be expensive. With the Roof Doctor, you can get financing options that best fit your budget. We can ensure you get affordable, excellent service with our licensed and experienced roofing contractors. Give us a call or visit us to get a free estimate today.

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain Roofs?

What Can I Do If I Can’t Afford a New Roof


A well-maintained roof should last over 20 years, but how much does it cost to maintain that roof? Twenty years is a long time, and homeowners should understand exactly how to care for their roof, what to expect in terms of maintenance, and when they might have to replace the roof.

The roof is easy to neglect and easy to forget, but it’s also fairly easy to maintain as long as you’re aware. Read up on our best roof maintenance tips and general estimates.

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain Roofs?

The short answer? Nothing. If you are a hands-on homeowner, own a ladder, and can commit to regular observation of your roof, maintaining your roof for 20+ years will cost you absolutely nothing.

No Cost Roof Maintenance

  • Gutter Cleaning: your gutters should be cleaned twice a year. We recommend cleaning out the detritus of winter when spring starts to bloom, and then again after all the leaves have fallen in late autumn. Be careful on your ladder, but be sure each inch is clear to prevent mold, water damage, and attracting animals and insects.
  • Attic Checks: at least once a year you need to inspect the attic or the areas of your home immediately below the roof. Check for mold, drafts, discoloration, drips or leaks, signs of animal life. As unpleasant as it might be to climb into a cramped attic, it can show indications of wear and tear that need to be addressed immediately.
  • General Observation: keeping an eye on your roof helps you notice if there are patches of standing water, missing shingles, loose flashing, or any other issues. It can help to take a photo of your roof from all angles each time you clean the gutters so you can see any changes. Changes are sometimes incremental and hard to notice day-to-day, but comparing photos taken over time can show dramatic changes.

$200-$1000 Roof Maintenance

Tree Trimming: your trees, bushes, and surrounding foliage should have no contact with the exterior of the home. Not only can trees scratch and wear down the exterior and roof of your home, they can also provide a bridge for animals and insects straight to your home.

Roof Patching: Small areas of damage, loose flashing, missing shingles, gutter problems, and other minor roof issues will likely cost you a few hundred dollars depending on the size and severity of the problem. Still, any roof problem is likely to grow into a bigger issue over time so don’t put this off.

$4,000+ Roof Maintenance

  • Roof Replacement: for roofs older than 20 years or facing significant damage, a roof expert will recommend a full replacement.

Call the Roof Doctor

We hope that regular roof maintenance doesn’t cost you a dime, but if you find yourself needing a little more help to keep your roof in shape—call our Roof Doctors today.