When to Plan for a Roof Replacement 

when to plan for roof replacement

A roof replacement is a major home update — one of the most expensive maintenance jobs. Roofs are designed to last a long time — 20 years or more — and maybe yours has, but the wear and tear from the hot Utah summers and cold, unforgiving winters is starting to show.

when to plan for roof replacement

At what point in your roof’s life should you start preparing for a roof replacement?

How Old Is Your Roof?

Sometimes age is the deciding factor on how long you should keep a roof intact. A standard asphalt shingled roof is expected to last about two decades. If you’ve reached this milestone and you have leaks, loose shingles and moss growing on the roof, it’s time to prepare for a replacement.

In other cases, roofs that are 20 years old still look and function like they’re 10-15 years old. This is good news for the homeowner, but you should probably still begin planning to replace it once it reaches year 18 to 20. You might not need to yet, but at least you’ve done your research and saved up for the expense.

What to Look for in a Roofing Contractor

When you’re considering roof replacement, remember that the quality of the roof depends on the shingles you select for the project, but it also depends on how they’re installed. You need to pick a reputable contractor who is licensed, certified and bonded. You need a pro. With an expense as large as a roof replacement, you don’t have room for error.

Check all the contractor’s references and look at photos of their past jobs. How long have they been in business? Start the interview process now and make sure to get more than one quote and opinion on your current roof to compare.

Save Now, Thank Yourself Later

One major factor to consider is cost. Roofing isn’t cheap, and it probably isn’t a cost you can easily cover from your checking account. You’ll need to save enough to be able to invest in a high-quality roof when the time comes. Save $200 per month starting in year 18, and you’ll have almost $5,000 by the time year 20 arrives.

Get in Touch Today

At the Roof Doctor, we provide free quotes for your roof replacement project that are clear, itemized and 100 percent risk-free. You don’t have to sign a contract. If you’re interested in a professional opinion on the condition of your roof or you would like an estimate for replacement, call us today.

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