Home Fire Protection and Roofing: They Go Hand-in-Hand



While it may seem unlikely that it will happen to you, you should always go the extra mile when it comes to home fire protection.

Did you know that the type of roofing you have can actually make a difference in fire suppression? If you’re cautious around fire, you may think that there’s no way a fire can affect your home. But you should still consider that home fires easily spread from home to home when proper precautions are not taken. During the summer months in Utah, fires become increasingly more likely due to the extremely dry conditions we live in, so it's essential to make sure your home is protected.

Today, we're going to talk about how roofing shingles can better protect your home in the event of a fire. Keep reading to learn more. 

How Roofing Shingles Fight Fires 

Shingles are an essential tool you can use to protect your roof from spreading a fire. Shingles were once developed to help waterproof the home, but it was quickly realized that the material used to make shingles, fiberglass, is much more fire-resistant than the once used asbestos. 

Don't be confused, though; not all shingles are fire-resistant. The key here is to pick the Class A-rated fiberglass-asphalt shingles. This type of shingle is known for being the best for fire-resistant roofing. While not completely fireproof, these shingles are essential because they won't contribute to the spread of the fire, which will make all the difference when it comes to home fire protection. Class A-rated shingles won't break off during a fire, won't crack or warp, and most of the wall of shingles won't risk exposing the underlying parts of the roof. The flames of the fire will be contained only to the shingles themselves, which also won't give off burning embers that spread the fire elsewhere.

Other Home Fire Protection Tips 

While you should definitely take precautions and use A-rated fiberglass-asphalt shingles, there are other steps you can take to protect yourself and your home from fires, both in your home and outside your home. Since it's currently summer and fire can travel fast, here are some essential tips that you can use from Safety

  • Avoid smoking in your home
  • Never leave cooking food unattended 
  • Install and maintain your smoke detectors
  • Trim overhanging branches from trees in your yard, especially ones near power lines
  • Collect all fallen leaves and other debris from your yard
  • Keep bushes, trees, and other shrubbery cut back, away from the side of your home

The Roof Doctor is Ready to Re-Roof Your Home

If you think it's time to start with your home fire protection plan, contact The Roof Doctor right now. We do all kinds of roofing and specialize in roofs with shingles, especially for the A-rated fiberglass-asphalt shingles. In Utah, summers are dry, and fire spreads faster than ever, so don't hesitate to add new shingles to your home. If you live in Salt Lake City, Tooele, Ogden, Layton, Bountiful, Orem, Provo, or in the surrounding area in Utah, we invite you to get in touch with us. Ready to get started? Contact The Roof Doctor today!