Attic Insulation: How Does it Help Your Roof?


Attic insulation should never be an afterthought. In fact, it’s one of the most important components of a well-planned roofing project.


Properly installed insulation goes hand in hand with properly placed vents. Together, they provide the underlying protection from moisture and decay that your roof and your whole home needs.

Prevents Material Deterioration

The first way that attic insulation helps your roof is by preventing the interior materials from deterioration. From the support beams to the roof decking, insulation helps prevent moisture from pooling and seeping into the wood. Moist wood will eventually grow mold, and rot can quickly develop. Without attic insulation, your roof’s structural integrity would be compromised.

Stops Ice Dams from Forming

Ice dams — they reflect holiday light decorations beautifully, but they’re extremely damaging to your roof. If your attic doesn’t have enough insulation, rising heat from inside the home melts the snow resting on the roof.

This melted snow refreezes once it reaches the roof’s edge. As this cycle continues, the ice dam pushes ice and water back up underneath the shingles. Ice dams degrade shingles, shortening their useful life. They can also cause leaks and damage in the attic, which can spread to ceilings and walls.

If an attic is insulated properly, it will never become warm enough in the winter to melt snow, so you won’t get ice dams.

Keeps Moisture Away

Attic insulation helps prevent condensation, which can have a disastrous effect on the metal components that keep your roof together. Rust can ruin nails and other metal in your attic, such as piping for the plumbing or HVAC systems.

The right amount of insulation combined with enough ventilation will keep your attic the appropriate temperature at all seasons, preventing moisture buildup.

It Also Helps You Stay Comfortable

It’s not just your roof that benefits from attic insulation — you do too. Keep warm air inside in the winter and cool air inside in the summer. This helps you stay more comfortable, and it also reduces the wear and tear on your HVAC system. When your HVAC system has to work constantly to maintain your desired temperature, it will wear out faster, leaving you with a major bill.

How Is Your Roof Doing?

If you notice that ice dams are a common issue in the winter and your HVAC system never seems to stop running, it’s time for a checkup. Let the Roof Doctor look at the condition and the positioning of your attic insulation — you may find that some minor repairs will help keep your roof in top shape and prevent major problems in the future.

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