Do You Need More Attic Insulation for a Solid Roof?

Attic Insulation

Attic insulation is key to a long-lasting, mold-free roof. If the highest level in your home is not fully insulated, you can have moisture problems that compound, leading to rot and the need for roofing repairs.

Attic Insulation

Attic insulation also helps reduce your home’s heating and cooling costs. You will have less heat loss in the winter and your home will stay cooler in the hot summer.

How Does Insulation Preserve Your Roof?

One of the most important parts of any roof is its ventilation system. Hot air rises inside your home, and when it meets the cold air inside the attic, it turns into condensation. Ridge, soffit and exhaust vents are all designed to facilitate air flow and reduce the presence of warm air. Also, attic insulation is supposed to block hot air from entering the attic as much as possible.

You need both of these — sufficient ventilation and adequate insulation — to keep your attic and roof from degrading too soon. But if either one is lacking, your roof will suffer due to the imbalance. If your attic insulation isn’t doing the job, consider adding more of one of the three types of quality products listed below.

Blanket Insulation

Roll-out insulation consists of batts made of fiberglass. This is the most common type of attic insulation and is the easiest to install on your own. The batts come in sections that are either 15 or 23 inches wide, designed to fit in between the framing.

Blown Insulation

If you hire professionals, they may blow in cellulose particles that cover the attic floor. Blown insulation is unique in that it can fill in the hard-to-reach crevices and cracks where it may be difficult to fit the traditional roll-out type.

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam is the most expensive option and also must be installed by a professional, but it is ideal if you want to one day renovate and finish your attic. It can stick to the ceiling, which is what will be needed if you plan to turn your attic into usable living space. It is also effective at preventing moisture from seeping into the space.

Get Advice from Your Roofer

Before you install more attic insulation or hire a contractor to do it, make sure you consult with your roofer. They can examine both the amount and quality of the current insulation as well as the current ventilation and make recommendations on how you can improve both your home’s energy efficiency and extend the life of your roof. You need to make sure any additional attic insulation does not block the proper function of the vents, especially those under the roof’s eaves.

Call the Roof Doctor today and set up an appointment. You need guidance on selecting the appropriate attic insulation to keep your roof in top shape, and you can depend on the Roof Doctor’s experience for help.

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