Managing Wind and Hail Damage to Your Roof

wind hail damage roof

There are several elements that may threaten your home and its roof during a major storm, and two such elements that are often seen together are hail and wind damage. These two weather elements, while likely rare in your area, don’t need long to wreak havoc on roofing systems that are not properly secured or maintained, and can lead to significant water damage and other hazards.

At The Roof Doctor, we offer a wide range of storm damage roof repair services, including for roofs that have been damaged by wind or hail. We’re also happy to assist you with navigating the ins and outs of the insurance maze in situations where filing a claim is necessary to help you cover the cost of needed repairs. Let’s go over some tips we can offer for protecting your roof from the risks of hail and wind damage, the process of assessing such damage if it does take place, and how to handle repairs and insurance claims in these cases.

Protecting Your Roof from Hail and Wind Damage

A few general tips for protecting your roof from wind and hail damage, including several where our roof repair pros are happy to help:

  • Regular inspections: At least once a year, if not more often, ensure your roof is inspected in a detailed manner. Any damaged, missing or curled shingles should be replaced or repaired right away, and any more significant issues should be reported to your insurance company right away – waiting too long to notify them could lead to a refusal of your claim in the future.
  • Attic: Every few months, or more often during storm season, check your attic for mold, mildew, stains or any other signs of water making its way through the roof. Also look for high levels of humidity.
  • Trees: Clear your property of any dead or rotting trees, which can create major damage or even destroy the roof entirely if they fall during a wind storm. In addition, clear out any overhanging tree limbs that might fall onto the roof.

Repairs and Insurance Claims for Hail or Wind Damage

In many cases, storm damage from wind and hail won’t be easy to see. This is why a few of the areas above are so important, including checking the attic and roof inspections – they’ll help you identify the evidence of damage even if it’s mostly hidden.

If you do identify wind or hail damage on your roof, one important area to consider is filing an insurance claim using homeowners’ insurance. Within this area, it’s vital to note that not all insurance companies offer the same plans here – most landlocked states feature policies that cover both windstorm and hail damage, but not all. Meanwhile, coastal areas often see insurance companies remove this coverage and require it as a separate policy, given the high risk of such damage in these areas. Make sure you understand exactly what your policy covers before moving forward – our pros are happy to help with this and other insurance-related details.

For more on wind and storm damage and protecting your roof, or to learn about any of our emergency roof repair services, speak to the staff at The Roof Doctor today.