Your Roof Affects Your Summer Cooling Bill

Your Roof Affects Your Summer Cooling Bill

Your first cooling bill of the summer can be a shock. It happens every year — Utah’s relentless summer sun surprises you and your utility budget with its intensity, and once again, you’re setting your air conditioning to full blast.

roof summer

Companies like Rocky Mountain Power institute tiered pricing during the summer that reward consumers for using less energy. The less you use, the less you pay per kilowatt hour. But if you have an outdated, uninsulated roof, your cooling system isn’t functioning as efficiently as it could, and your cooling bill won’t do you any favors.

What Does Your Roof Have to Do with It?

Does your roof really have a strong influence on your summer cooling bill? You bet!

A poorly insulated roof lets in too much heat during the summer, causing your HVAC to work overtime. That means higher energy costs, and it also means your cooling system will likely wear out much faster than it should.

If your roof doesn’t have enough ventilation, heat gets trapped in the attic. This in turn heats up the whole house and triggers your cooling system to turn on.

It’s a vicious cycle, because the lack of ventilation also traps moisture in the attic. This moisture drips onto the insulation and makes it even less effective than it already is, not to mention how it cultivates rot and mold.

Lowering your energy bills starts with looking at all the areas in the home where energy loss is prevalent. If your roof wasn’t installed correctly or is aging beyond its useful life, chances are it’s one of the main areas to focus on.

Planning for a New Roof? Here’s What You Want.

If it’s time for a roof replacement, make sure you choose one that’s made of energy-efficient materials. Try to find a roof that’s endorsed by Energy Star. This means the material will reflect the sun’s rays enough to lower the surface temperature. You have options — you can choose asphalt shingles, metal, slate or tile.

You also should make proper ventilation a major priority. Talk to your roofing contractor about the ventilation for your aging roof. They will be able to assess if new vents should be added during construction after assessing the airflow within the attic.

Finally, you want insulation with a high R-value. This means the material is resistant to heat transfer. When the exterior roof heats up from the sun’s rays, it won’t spread to your home’s interior.

Time it Right for the Greatest Benefit

If you’re planning a roof replacement this spring, why not schedule an installation before summer heats up? You’ll save money on your cooling bill and you will know for sure you’re not wasting energy needlessly. Talk to the Roof Doctor today and get a free quote for your home!

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