7 Details Separating Excellent Roofing Contractors from the Rest

roofing contractors

You may have many roofing contractors available in your community, but the excellent ones will stand out above the others.

Besides the basics, like following through with quality work and offering a substantial warranty on labor and materials, look for the seven additional details listed below when you’re considering roofing contractors to hire.

roofing contractor

1. They’re Licensed

Not all roofing contractors are licensed, and you shouldn’t take a chance on an unlicensed “professional.” A license is verification that they have the skills and training needed to safely install a new roof on your home that lines up with building code and meets excellent professional standards.

2. They Have a Positive Online Reputation

First off, most modern, proficient roofing contractors have a working website and social media presence — it’s how they connect to the everyday homeowner like you.

But take a look at independent review sites as well. Are the reviews posted mostly positive? If so, you’ve arrived at an excellent hiring option for your next roofing project.

3. They Offer Free Consultations and Price Estimates

Before you sign a contract, a top-notch roofing contractor will examine your roof for free. They will fill out a detailed estimate sheet that describes exactly what your home needs. All the price terms will be laid out ahead of time, so that when you hire them, you don’t get any financial surprises.

4. Their Customer Service Skills Are Top-Notch

When you call, are you greeted with a friendly tone and a welcoming attitude? You should be able to contact your contractor at any time with questions and concerns and have confidence that you can depend on them as a trusted source of information.

5. They Respect Your Time

Roofing contractors who respect your schedule and value your time just as highly as you do are the kind of professionals you want to hire. They will show up when they say they will and they’ll do their best to accommodate your scheduling needs.

6. They Take Care of Permits

If you’re ever told that you must obtain a roofing permit on your own, don’t hire the company. This should be on your roofer’s task list — you shouldn’t have to hunt down the paperwork needed to legally get the work done.

7. They Love What They Do

Roofers who love what they do are passionate about sharing information. They will tell you all about how your roof is constructed, making it easy to understand and fun to learn about.

Roofing contractors who exhibit all these qualities are better than the rest — just look at what the Roof Doctor offers as an example. We’re focused on your satisfaction and long-lasting, quality roof replacements and restorations. Call today to find out more about us and what we can do for you.

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