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7 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Roof


7 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Roof

Do you think it might be time to replace your roof? If you notice any of these signs, you’re probably right. Paying attention and responding to these signs will protect your home ...

Can I Get a Government Grant for a New Roof


Can I Get a Government Grant for a New Roof

Home repairs aren’t cheap, with roof repairs being one of the most expensive fixes on the list. Many homeowners seek out a government grant to make these repairs, but are roofs c ...

What Type of Roof is the Cheapest?


What Type of Roof is the Cheapest?

As a homeowner, you dread the day that you have to replace your roof. You may be wondering what type of roof is the cheapest but still provides you with suitable protection and loo ...

How Much Does it Cost for a New Roof?


How Much Does it Cost for a New Roof?

If you’ve had issues with a leaky roof or have some shingles missing due to a recent storm, a new roof might be in order. But how much is it going to cost? The idea of replacing ...

What is the Best Type of Roof to Put on a House?


What is the Best Type of Roof to Put on a House?

Deciding on the best type of roof to install is a decision that requires careful consideration. Your roof is going to be one of your home’s prominent features and serve as your c ...

Does Insurance Pay For A Replacement Roof?



  Your roof is your home’s first defense against the elements outside. What can homeowner’s insurance do to help you with a replacement roof? No matter how strong your roo ...

How To Prepare Your Roof For Winter



  When it comes to getting your house ready for cold weather and freezing temps, forgetting to prepare your roof for winter can be a costly oversight.   An essential step ...